Figwort (Scrophularia), Xuan shen in China
Main Facts about Figwort

Using Figwort
In homeopathy, it’s used for enlarged/ swollen glands, breast tumors, ear problems, hemorrhoids. Has powerful painkilling ability. Helps inflammation and pain from arthritis, rheumatism. Used in salves and poultices to soothe inflamed skin in cases of psoriasis and eczema, and to heal burns. Herbalists today consider figwort as a cleansing herb that supports the detoxification of the body.Figwort is a remedy for: Anxiety, Constipation
Not for use in pregnancy, or by those with a heart condition.Cooking with Figwort
Dry and use upper part of plant topically for skin afflictions like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and as tea for restlessness, anxiety, irregular periods. The roots can be dried out and are a substitute for ginseng. Sweet tasting root.How to grow Figwort
The preference is medium shade to partial sun, moist to mesic conditions, and soil that is loose and loamy. The size of this plant can be highly variable, depending on its age, location, and environmental conditions. It thrives in wet and damp places, in open woodlands, on riverbanks, and along ditches. The herb is gathered in summer while in flower.Feverfew |