Passionflower (Passifloraceae), Maypop fruit
Main Facts about Passionflower

Using Passionflower
The leaves and flowers are an important nervine sedative and are used to help promote sleep and alleviate pain, such as menstrual cramps and headaches. Make tea from the flowers to relax. The whole plant is used as an antispasmotic and relaxant for anxiety, nervous disorders, epilepsy, neuralgia, restlessness, inflammation, lower blood pressure. Passion fruit oil is extracted from the seeds and composed mainly of linoleic acid (77%) with smaller amounts of oleic acid (15%) and palmitic acid (10%). It has varied applications in cosmetics manufacturing.Passionflower is a remedy for: Anxiety
Cooking with Passionflower
The whole plant is edible. The fruit is both eaten and juiced; passion fruit juice is often added to other fruit juices to enhance aroma. It is added to fruit salads, and fresh fruit pulp or passion fruit sauce is commonly used in desserts.How to grow Passionflower
The purple passion fruit grows best in a subtropical climate while the yellow passion fruit prefers a tropical climate with full-season warm days and nights. The annual rainfall for optimum growth should be at least 900 mm. Passion fruit tolerates a wide variety of soils and grows best on well-drained sandy loams with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Passion fruit is moderately intolerant of shade and requires trees, bushes or fences for support. It is weedy in much of its native range; and fairly easy to grow elsewhere, especially if its given a wall or trellis to climb up. It often thrives for several years sending up new shoots far from the parent vine with its copious runners, and then the whole colony will up and die. Its disappearance is not related to the coldness of the winter, it appears to be a short-lived perennial.Parsley |