Silk tassle (Garrya congdonii, Garrya elliptica)
Main Facts about Silk tassle

Using Silk tassle
Silk tassel has a long history of being used in intermittent fevers, probably mostly due to it intense bitterness and has also been know as Quinine Bush and was used as a substitute at times for Quinine. Contains an alkaloid called Garanine, making it a very strong smooth muscle relaxant. Extremely bitter - so you might want to encapsulate. Also relaxes blood vessels so it drops blood pressure. Good for diarrhea (helps relax). One of best herbs for menstrual cramps. Silk tassel is also effective externally for wounds, cuts, painful swellings and other minor abrasions and contusions. It is very strong and can be drug-like in its action.Silk tassle is a remedy for: Anxiety
It should not be used over a long period of time or in large doses, and never by pregnant or lactating women or small children. Also, avoid taking with any other medication at all, too many interactions are possible.Cooking with Silk tassle
Dry, grind up, sift, encapsulate. Recommended to take equivalent of half or quarter teaspoon on empty stomach, several times a day.How to grow Silk tassle
It is found on north facing slopes or shadier locations, while along the coast it will grow in full sun. Silk tassel is not fussy about soil type, as long as it is well draining. Although it can become drought tolerant once established, it always looks better with some regular watering. The Silk-Tassel bush may be grown either from seeds or cuttings or by layering. Seeds planted in flats in a sandy loam during late fall or winter require three months of cold stratification for germination.Shiitake |